10/1/2019 PAYware Connect URL Update Effective October 1 2019.
6/10/2019 Come and visit us at Clean 2019, June 20 - 23 New Orleans, booth 4510.
6/13/2018 Windows 10 latest security update might block Payware
Go to Start > Settings > Updates & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings > Add exclusions. Select \csi\tms folder or \csi\tms\tms.exe program to be excluded. In Addition you might have to do the following exception: Open Windows Defender, Select Firework and Network protection, Public Protection , Allow An App Through Firewall Select Change Settings, Select Allow Another App, under path, select Browse, under file name enter : https://api.vfipayna.com/IPCHAPI/RH.ASPX Select Add, enable public network. Select Allow Another App, under path, select Browse, select c:\csi\tms\tms.exe
For additional information on how to do this click here
5/15/2018 Windows 10 security update KB4103725 might block Remote Desktop
To fix the issue, you need to uninstall Windows update KB410372 or KB4093120. Go to Windows Control panel, Programs & Features, select installed updates, search for KB410372 or KB4093120 Select uninstall.
For additional information click here
1/28/2018 CSI Moved to a new Office
We look forward to seeing you at our new location.
12/5/2017 CSI Servers Current Status Page
If you are using CSI hosted or online services and having any issues connecting to our servers, please go to CSI website and select the Support page. http://www.computersystemsint.com/Home/Support
When CSI servers are operating normally, the issue is related to your own network/DNS. Please reset your internet router and if the problem persists contact your ISP. Otherwise please check the status page frequently for the latest update. No need to call CSI support line.
9/21/2017 Invalid Term Id
TMS processes Credit Cards through Integrated Hosted Web-based Payware Connect for Card Present or Card On File transactions. Payware Connect is fully PCI DSS-compliant. Customers that are still running old Credit Card Processing software like TPI, Payware PC, Pccharge are not compliant.
Please be advised as of September 30, 2017, you may not be able to process Credit Cards through Chase Paymentech. Chase Paymentech Merchants that use Payware Connect and get Invalid Term Id during credit card processing, must contact their merchant services to fix the issue. Customers that are still using, TPI, Pccharge, Payware PC or any other softwares, are not compliant, and a new Term Id for Payware Connect must be requested through their merchant services. Please have your VAR sheet forwarded to support@computersystemsint.com. For additional information on Payware Connect click here
The latest TMS 2.4.5x86 version supports the new industry-wide security standards known as SHA-2 and TLS 1.2 version. The new TMS 2.4.5x86 does not support Windows XP.
7/15/2017 Windows 10 latest update might block TMS program to run.
'Windows is unable to load the resource file'
To fix this issue follow steps below to restore Windows 10 settings:
If the above process does not fix the issue, you must install the latest TMS update that is designed for new Windows 10 platform. Customers that are on CSI support plan or using CSI Cloud Based system, may download the new TMS version free of charge.
For additional information on how to purchase the upgrade click here
5/26/2017 A sneak peek at Web-Based TMS, software of the future
CSI has been working hard in the background to deliver a state of the art Web-based version of TMS software re-designed and re-built from the ground up. CSI is pleased to present a Sneak Peek of Web-based TMS App that is modernizing today’s business systems offering a wide range of business advantages over CSI traditional desktop Application. TMS App is based on Google Angular 2 and Microsoft .net platform running on cloud based servers using SQL database. Angular is the next version of Google's massively popular MV* framework for building complex applications in the browser (and beyond). Know your business better using sophisticated dashboard
TMS App Dashboard provides quick insights and advanced sales reports. Keep your eyes on the bottom line. See all your transactions and deposits easily. Track the progress of every invoice—see the clients who owe you money, and know who’s already paid. Data made digestible —TMS Analytics is designed to make your numbers easy to understand. No need to hunt through spreadsheets—TMS Analytics breaks it down so you can add it up quickly
Stay tuned for more product enhancement details. ETA Spring 2018.
For additional information click here
5/5/2017 New Windows Update KB3150513 blocks TMS program to run.
New Windows Update KB3150513 blocks TMS program to run. To fix this issue follow steps below to uninstall the update:
5/3/2017 Come and visit us at Cleanshow 2017
4/11/2017 Windows XP End of Life Support and License Renewal
10/24/2016 TMS Web-Based App Announcement
TMS App is based on Google Angular 2 and Microsoft .net platform running on cloud based servers using SQL database. Angular is the next version of Google's massively popular MV* framework for building complex applications in the browser (and beyond).
In computing, a web application or web app is a client server application in which the client (or user interface) runs in a web browser. Users access the application from any device connected to the internet or an intranet using a standard browser, instead of using an application that has been installed on the user’s computer. On a basic website, pages are static. Web-based applications interact with users, by responding to users.
Accessible Anywhere, Any Device
Unlike traditional TMS application, web version is accessible anytime, anywhere, via a PC, Tablet, or Smart Phone with an Internet connection, putting the user in charge of where, how and when they access the application.
Easily Customizable – Ability to Incorporate Modern Design Schemes
The user interface of TMS web-based applications is easier to customize. This makes it simpler to update the look and feel of the application, along with providing a unique and exciting way to present data to the user with sophisticated reporting system.
Easier Sharing of Data Between Different Computer Systems
Using common internet technologies based on industry-wide standards, it is possible to achieve a far greater level of data sharing between applications versus traditional isolated desktop TMS. It is far easier to get an online 3rd party application to integrate with a TMS web-based application.
Quick and Easy Installation and Maintenance
With TMS web-based application, installation and maintenance becomes less complicated. Once a new version or upgrade is installed on the host server, all users can access it immediately. There is no need to upgrade each client PC. Rolling out new software can be accomplished more seamlessly, requiring only that users have up-to-date browsers. As the upgrades are only performed by an experienced professional to a single server, the results are more predictable and reliable.
TMS web-based application is installed on dedicated cloud based servers. As a result, there is no need to maintain multiple client computers. Secured connections can also be implemented, thus ensuring the protection of your sensitive company data. Since the data is centralized, it is extremely secure.
Direct Access
Users have direct access to the latest information wherever they are located. This data is always up to date.
Software as a Service - SaaS
TMS app will be offered as SaaS. With SaaS, customers pay to use software via the web as a service on demand, by paying a subscription rather than outright purchase. Software is licensed by number of users and/or levels of features. The SaaS model allows developers and vendors to keep control the hosting and operation of the software. Customers do not have to worry about hardware/software compatibility and support to run an application. Eliminating a major overhead. There is nothing to own, and you simply use the program as you see fit.
7/8/2016 ISSIA 112th Annual Convention
03/28/2016 CSI Released TMS 2.4.4
The new TMS App/Website interface displays all captured data in customer's profile. The new TMS pickup/delivery report makes this process easy, convenient and much more reliable with all the details available at Your Fingertips.
Latest TMS version also supports Wash & Fold minimum charge. The Minimum charge is applied automatically if total weight of wash & fold is less than the minimum predefined weight. Convenient , easy, and reliable feature to save you money.
CSI New redesigned Dry Cleaner App is a valuable tool that allows your customers to check their orders , request pickup and make account payment using the Smartphone. The App is available on both Apple App Store and Google Play. For additional information on new CSI App click here.
12/10/2015 Windows Update KB3102429 causes issue with Crystal Report
New Windows update kB3102429 which is installed auto has caused issues with TMS crystal reports and email function. To fix this issue follow steps below to uninstall the update:
11/27/2015 Windows 10 Upgrade Warning
CSI does not recommend upgrading to Windows 10, unless you are familiar with the process. CSI products are supported on Windows 10, however upgrading to Windows 10 could cause problem with some of the device drivers. Old Epson printers may not work after such upgrade.
If CSI has to install such drivers, our standard installation fees applies. CSI support plan does not cover such installations.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email support@computersystemsint.com
10/27/2015 Come and visit us at Middle East Cleaning Technology Show
For additional information click here .
or contact our rep
7/30/2015 CSI Released TMS 2.4.4 with EMV capable
It is vital that every merchant complies with EMV Compliance. For whom that doesn't meet the deadline before Oct. 1st 2015, will in result pay any fraudulent transactions or claims that are due because of this new “Liability Shift”. The party that has made investment in EMV deployment is protected from financial liability for card-present counterfeit fraud losses on this date.
Point is a highly configurable web-based payment gateway service that enables credit and debit payments to be processed from TMS with Internet connection. New Point Services takes the guesswork and complexity out of managing multiple payments and payment technologies, while adhering to security and compliance standards and helping merchants prepare for EMV. As a managed-payments solution, Point gives merchants a competitive edge by empowering them to focus on their core business while giving them the flexibility to define and deliver the payment experience that best meets consumer expectations. As a subscription service, Point also alleviates the need for up-front capital investment. The service includes 24x7 support, encrypted gateway transactions, integration for new methods of payment, ongoing EMV maintenance and merchant support and full PCI compliance
Customers may continue to use Payware Connect for Card On File and Point Service with Vx820 or Vx520 for Card Present Transactions. TMS is validated with Payware Connect using Paymentech, First Data North (CardNet); Elavon; and Heartland.
For additional information and pricing. Click Here
If you are interested to sign up for new EMV terminal Click Here, Click on the link and fill out the form. I would like to sign up for Point Services

02/10/2015 Come and visit us at Cleanshow 2015
09/06/2014 CSI Servers migrated to New tier 3 State of The Art Datacenter
CSI Servers were migrated to new State of The Art Datacenter on September 6 2014. The Migration was successful without any issues and intrupition to our services. The new facility is awarded Tier 3 and uses the latest technology.
Tier 3 = Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Dual-powered equipments and multiple uplinks. Tier 3, Guaranteeing 99.982% availability.
April 2, 2014 Windows XP end of life on April 8, 2014
For additional information, please visit Microsoft website .
5/20/2014 Come and visit us at Fabricare 2014
2/4/2014 CSI Released The Dry Cleaner App
The following features are available:
- Order status, order detail description, prices and history
- Pickup/delivery service request
- Account Details and payment
- Customer profile Update
- Store specials, or Loyalty Point Coupon access.
- Store locations, and map direction
- Receive store specials notification
- And much more
To test the new App go to Apple App Store or Google Play and search Dry Cleaner., or click the following link. Use demo for store name and register with valid credit card to test the app.

12/04/2013 CSI Mobile Services now available
CSI Mobile Remote services allow you to use TMS from anywhere. Experience rich interactivity using your mobile Device wherever you are. Run Full version of TMS to lookup orders, make changes , and run any reports. This service is available to Hosted Customers Only. Charges are per month per Device.
New TMS version 2.4.0 is also now available to run on Windows 8.1 with full reporting functionality.

12/03/2013 CSI released version 2.4.0
- Upgrade to MS .net Framework 4.0 to support Windows 8.1
- Added Multiple Tag Printers option to allow printing tag on different printer for each day of the week.
- Added support for new Smartphone App that allows customers to request pickup or check orders online. (this is only available to hosted customers)
8/5/2013 CSI released version 2.2.6T
- Added history for promotional items sold in customer profile -> marketing
- Added option in due items report to ignore invoice status and in date
- Added option in TMS, system options to allow printing loyalty coupon at check in
- Added option in customer search to show inactive customers
- Added option to save customer's statement in preparation of iPhone app launch to allow customers to view/pay the balance online
- Added Shoe Repair Special Detail Screen
- Fixed Detail Tran Report to show payout properly
- Added Special report for Fire restoration

2/4/2013 CSI released version 2.2.6S Penny Rounding Feature
The cent will remain Canada’s smallest unit for pricing goods and services. This will have no impact on payments made by check or electronic transactions—only cash transactions will be affected. Moreover, pennies can still be used in cash transactions indefinitely with businesses that choose to accept them. A transition date of February 4, 2013 has been set after which the Royal Canadian Mint will no longer distribute pennies. On this date, businesses will be encouraged to begin rounding cash transactions. As pennies exit circulation, cash payments or transactions only will need to be rounded, either up or down, to the nearest five-cent increment. Under this guideline, when pennies are not available, cash transactions will be rounded in a fair and transparent manner, as per examples below: Cash sales of $1.02, or $1.03 is rounded down to $1.00 and $1.03, or $1.04 is rounded up to $1.05.
Only cash transactions require rounding. Checks and transactions using electronic payments—debit, credit and payments cards—do not need to be rounded, because they can be settled electronically to the exact amount. For any cash payment, only the final amount (or equivalently, the change owed) should be subject to rounding. Individual items, as well as any duties, fees or taxes, should be tabulated in their exact amount prior to rounding. For more information, please visit The Department of Finance Canada Penny Web .
For additional information on new TMS version, please contact CSI.

12/03/2012 CSI Released TMS 2.2.6R update

10/15/2012 CSI Released New Edition of 2.2.6Q

8/24/2012 CSI Released 24/7 Valet System
Fetch! offers convenience, dependability, customer service, and reliability - plus providing you an opportunity to expand your market while controlling costs. Let Fetch! put on a friendly face for your business! Fetch! brings you these and other great benefits:
- Increased customer service
- Expanded service locations
- Broader operating hours without increased staffing
- Higher market visibility
For additional information on 24/7 Valet System Click here

May 17, 2012 CSI Released Chinese Interface
May 16 2012 CSI Released CRDN Interface
CRDN is an international organization of textile restoration specialists serving the insurance industry, contractors/contents cleaning companies and property owners. CRDN’s experienced, highly trained textile cleaners specialize in insurance restoration laundry and drycleaning services for all types of loss. Adept at restoring garments and textiles damaged by fire, smoke, water or exposure to mold and other contaminants, CRDN members offer an effective, efficient and proven solution for insurance professionals seeking to reduce costs and improve margins while closing claims quickly. CRDN currently operates in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada.
For additional information on CRDN Click Here
April 16 2012 CSI Released TMS 2.2.6Q
For additional information on Canadian Credit/Debit Card Processing Click Here
2/15/2012 Visit us at Clean Shows in 2012
Come and visit us at the following Clean Show in 2012:
Clean Canada Show, April 13–15, 2012 at the Toronto Congress Centre , Booth# 702
Fabricare™ 2012 - July 14-15 Long Beach, California Booth# 108
Drycleaning & Laundry Expo 2012, October 6-7, Atlantic City, NJ
We will demo our latest iAssemble Product.
iAssemble is a state-of-the-Art in software development in auto assembly. iAssemble is a 64bit application that uses latest Microsoft technology running on Windows 7 64bit.
iAssemble is integrated with Assembly conveyor from SRS or can use your existing Racks. For additional information on iAssemble Click Here

1/29/2012 CSI Online Backup Offering
To ensure the complete integrity of our hosted database, we've placed our servers in a secure hosting facility and Network Operations Center using the latest, most advanced construction techniques. Electronic authentication and access control system assures physical security, and a state-of-the-art video surveillance system, staffed 24/7/365 and digitally archived, monitors the centre continuously. Equipped with a Dual Uninterrupted Power Supply battery, the centre also offers a host of other features designed to protect your assets at all costs. In the past few months we have seen more computer hard drive crashes than ever.
You know you should protect your data files with regular backups. But are you? CSI online backup service is secure and easy-to-use. We safeguard all your files from hard drive failure, theft or fire in one easy step, for one low, monthly rate. And, there’s no contract commitment with our online backup service. Your Computers are vital tools for running your business but they are only machines making them prone to failures. When one of those failures happens, having a plan will help get you back up and running again. Disasters and failures will happen. The key is the creation of a recover plan to keep your business running when bad things happen.
Computer viruses, hard drive failure and Power surge can harm your system, and therefore damaging your valuable data which some times is almost impossible to recover or would cost you 100s of Dollars. We can get your system up and running in few minutes. We can quickly restore your database into our hosted server while setting up your own new server. With CSI remote backup plan, you are assured your backup is there when needed.
For additional information or to place your order Click Here

8/24/2011 CSI Released TMS 2.2.6P
CSI strongly encourages customers to upgrade to TMS 2.2.6P version and migrate to Verifone Payware solution as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in service. For additional information Click Here

8/10/2011 TPI SmartPayments Client End Of Life
As a result of the most recent application security assessment of TPI SmartPayments Client, and after being notified of a customer breach, Hypercom has found that this application could be compromised due to identified critical vulnerabilities. Hypercom has decided to discontinue support for TPI SmartPayments as of August 1 2011. CSI, therefore, is no longer able to purchase licenses for TPI software as it is EOL. CSI Supports TPI client software until Dec 31 2011.
CSI has developed the interface to Verifone Payware PC Software to replace TPI client software. The Payware solution is now ready. CSI strongly encourages customers to migrate to Verifone Payware solution as soon as possible to avoid any interruption in service. Particularly since TPI is no longer PA-DSS compliant. For additional information Click Here

6/3/2011 CSI Released New Sharp, High Tech Looking TMS 2.2.6N (June 2011)
In preparation of Clean show 2011 in Las Vegas, CSI has just released the latest version of TMS 2.2.6N that resembles iAssemble look . This would be used as the foundation for moving towards the next generation of TMS.
New version of TMS would use the latest Microsoft .NET platform that provides much easier, faster 64bit application, robust reporting, custom filtering and much more.
If you are planning on visiting clean show, please drop by at our booth# 3488 to view our latest TMS and iAssemble system. We will have a live demo of the system with Auto Assembly conveyor from SRS.

4/15/2011 Clean Show 2011: June 6-9
iAssemble is a state-of-the-Art in software development. iAssemble is a 64bit application that uses latest Microsoft technology running on Windows 7. iAssemble is integrated with Assembly conveyor from SRS or can use your existing Racks. SRS has been building conveyors since 1962.
The Clean Show is the main event for the laundering, drycleaning and textile services industry.
Live demonstrations: The biggest and most comprehensive display of machines and equipment, plus all the ancillary products and services you use in your business.
Education: Learn new techniques and strategies in seminars delivered by leading industry experts and the Clean Show sponsoring associations.
Networking: Take home new ideas and proven strategies from your face-to-face meetings with manufacturers, suppliers and industry peers.
For additional information on Clean Show 2011, Click here.
For additional information on iAssemble Click Here
3/19/2011 CSI Launched Its Own SMS Server
SMS messaging has become an efficient way for business owners to communicate with their clients and potential customers.
SMS messaging is much more effective than email notification. SMS pops up automatically on all mobile phones, whereas email notification would take much longer and requires user to check the email account
And usually ends up in junk mail.
Sign up for Unlimited SMS Messaging Per Month to save money, and send as much as SMS. For Additional information on CSI SMS Service and pricing Click Here.
5/17/2010 CSI Released iAssemble Auto Assembly System.
Due to increasing demand for Auto Assembly System by our customers, CSI has designed its own Auto Assembly system called iAssemble which is a state-of-the-Art in software development. iAssemble is a 32/64bit application that uses latest Microsoft technology running on Windows XP or Preferably on Windows 7 64bit. iAssemble is integrated with Assembly conveyor from SRS or can use your existing Racks. SRS has been building conveyors since 1962. iAssemble provides consolidated order processing using the Assembly Conveyor or Racks, thus eliminating the need for manually matching each garment with the Invoice. iAssemble has the following advantages over manual assembly.
For Additional information on CSI Auto Assembly system, Click Here.
3/9/2010 Mandatory PCI Compliance & TMS Related Upgrade
If you are using TMS to process credit cards through TPI or Pccharge, please read this important news. All merchants must be compliant by July 1, 2010. If you have not submitted your PCI questionnaire please do so ASAP. If you have any questions contact Metro Merchant Services. Metro Merchant has sent out an email blast explaining their program for PCI compliance. They have partnered with Control Scan to handle their PCI Compliance. They will be working closely with Control Scan to get ALL our merchants compliant so they do not incur fines by the Associations for not being compliant.
TMS latest upgrade 2.2.6K is now released that has the following important upgrade related to PCI Compliance:
For additional information and to do Self-Assessment Questionnaire Click here to visit PCI Security Website. Select A or C depending on your operation.
If you are saving customers credit card on file, consider CSI PCI Compliance Hosted Service to avoid any issues.
CSI SQL database hosting service offers an effective way to run your dry-cleaning business better than ever before. We protect your valuable data from natural disasters, fire, and theft. In addition, CSI hosting gives you peace of mind from the complexities of managing and maintaining your computers and data. Your focus should be on running your dry-cleaning business and not managing your computer system!
As a Microsoft SQL Database Expert, CSI understands your SQL database better than anyone else and knows server hosting requirements. Our experienced Microsoft developers design scalable hosting solutions that grow with your SQL database ensuring maximum performance and availability. We maintain, and backup your database using the latest technology. We use Microsoft SQL 2008 on Windows 2008 Server .
To ensure the complete integrity of our hosted database, we've placed our servers in a secure hosting facility and Network Operations Center using the latest, most advanced construction techniques. electronic authentication and access control system assures physical security, and a state-of-the-art video surveillance system, staffed 24/7/365 and digitally archived, monitors the centre continuously. Equipped with a Dual Uninterrupted Power Supply battery, the centre also offers a host of other features designed to protect your assets at all costs. Click below to view our datacenter facility. www.momentum.com
CSI has released the latest 2.2.6K upgrade that includes PCI Compliance changes and the following important changes:
To get the latest upgrade please visit CSI website. If you have already setup an account simply logon, otherwise select New Customer option.
12/9/2009 Microsoft Free Anti Virus Program

10/8/2009 TMS certified with 32/64-Bit Windows 7 and SQL 2008 Server.
CSI Textile Management System is now certified with 32/64-Bit Windows 7 and SQL 2008 Server.
CSI development teams draw on their vast experience to develop world-class software using nothing but the most advanced and reliable development tools available on the market today. CSI uses Microsoft as its strategic partner and its products are all based on Microsoft .net Technology. That means your investment is well protected for the years to come. With 64-bit support, you can take full advantage of the latest powerful PCs and run your TMS much faster than before. Take advantage of Microsoft latest SQL server 2008. SQL Server 2008 provides the highest levels of security, reliability, and scalability for your TMS application. For additional information on Windows 7 Click here

8/4/2009 CSI/HMC installed Auto Assembly System at Tide Dry Cleaners.
CSI/HMC have successfully installed Auto Assembly System at Tide Dry Cleaners using ADAC (Automated Drycleaning Assembly Conveyor) from HMC Solutions. CSI/HMC Auto Assembly system was up and running within 1 day.
Reduce human error, increase your efficiency by automating your sorting/assembly process and save $1000 of dollars in labor cost. Use TMS on demand garment tracking tags or preprinted tracking tags to automate the process. To get additional information on CSI Auto Assembly System Click here. For additional information on HMC Click here
Key benefits:

6/8/2009 Pickup/Delivery Mobile Version
CSI has released the latest upgrade with Windows Mobile integration for pickup & delivery. Our latest pickup/delivery software is integrated with MC70 From Symbol Windows Mobile. If you are looking to expand your business into this new era of drycleaning business this is a must have tool.
Automate your pickup/delivery business with our state of the art technology. Issue invoice at the site, print receipt, scan orders upon delivery. Process Credit Cards online in few seconds. Put the power of a cell phone, PDA, computer, scanner and imager in the hands of your mobile driver. Designed to withstand all-day everyday use in nearly any environment.
You may use this as a portrtable terminal for your drive thorugh customers. Simply enter customer's license plate to lookup customer.
This rugged compact device delivers true anywhere anytime wireless WAN/LAN/PAN voice and data communications, including superior voice functionality, advanced data capture and the power to run nearly any application and integrated Mobile Bluetooth Epson P60 printer.

5/4/2009 CSI Launches The New Website

04/01/2009 CSI Now Offers Central Database Hosting Services
To ensure the complete integrity of our hosted database, we've placed our servers in a secure hosting facility and Network Operations Center using the latest, most advanced construction techniques. An electronic authentication and access control system assures physical security, and a state-of-the-art video surveillance system, staffed 24/7/365 and digitally archived, monitors the centre continuously. Equipped with a Dual Uninterrupted Power Supply battery, the centre also offers a host of other features designed to protect your assets at all costs. Click below to view our datacenter facility. www.momentum.com
- Each data item
is stored in a central location where all users
can work with it.
Separate copies of the item are not stored on each client, which eliminates problems with users having to ensure they are all working with the same information. Their system does not need to ensure that all copies of the data are updated with the current values, because there is only one copy in the central location.
- Business and security rules can be defined one time on the server and enforced equally among all users.
- A relational database server optimizes network traffic by returning only the data an application needs.
- Hardware costs
can be minimized.
Because the data is not stored on each client, clients do not have to dedicate disk space to storing data. The clients also do not need the processing capacity to manage data locally, and the server does not need to dedicate processing power to displaying data.
- Maintenance tasks such as backing up and restoring data are simplified because they can focus on the central server.
- secure hosting facility and Network Operations Center using the latest, most advanced construction techniques.
- No more replications for new items or corporate customers.
- Central Payment and Statement processing.
For additional information and pricing please visit our website.

04/01/2009 TMS now supports Auto Sorting system
04/01/2009 CSI Released Version 2.2.6I
Please see the
following list of major upgrades:
Added On demand Customer Address Label Printing on Epson Thermal or Dymo printer.
Added Support for auto sorting system
Added customized Production functionality
Added eMarketing report to include additional info on customer trans
Added multi level Point rewards Coupon system with automated coupon printing.
Added Store-id to invoice barcode for better control on multi store operations.
Added http SMS Format Support under Email Config
Added Professional looking Windows Invoice Printing format.
Added automated backup program.
Added Trending report under customer history report in customer profile
Added Today's due Item by service on the status bar.
Added support for Paymentech Gift Card
Added New registration to allow registration password to be valid up to one week.
Update user's manual http://www.computersystemsint.com/pdf/tms_manual.pdf
To download the latest update, click here. password will be emailed to the customers that on our support program or their system is still under initial warranty.
If your are not part of our support program, sign up today, protect your investment, and stay in touch with the latest changes. Unlimited support calls, and updates. Click here for additional info.
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