Hosted Payware Connect
Price: $See Price Schedule

TMS processes Credit Cards through Integrated Hosted Web-based Payware Connect for Card Present or Card On File transactions.
VeriFone’s Payware Connect is a highly configurable, hosted, web-based payment gateway service that provides the perfect way to generate recurring revenue. Merchants can efficiently and securely process payments from any internet-connected computer. Cloud-based hosted payment solution is PCI DSS-compliant, so you reduce your PCI compliance scope. Daily settlement report is emailed automatically to keep merchants informed of daily transactions.
Use your own merchant account or get the merchant account through CSI merchant services to save money on payware connect hosting fee.
TMS is validated with Paymentech, First Data North (CardNet); Elavon; and Heartland. Please note First Data Nashville platform is not supported, only First Data North
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Please contact Revolution Payments to get a merchant Account for Payware Connect:
Laura Jackson , Client/Agent Relationship Manager
Tel: 301-790-3450 Fax: 301-790-1998